Crack the Code to Student Success!

Get the Hidden Secret for Seismic Jumps
in Student Learning

We’ve all been there before – You’re sitting in a staff meeting, professional development day, or at a conference and someone is sharing another “great idea”.

You’re actually intrigued and want to try it out, but that all-to-familiar thought comes creeping into your head: “I just don’t have enough time.”

In your classroom, you only want to be spending your precious (and limited) time on things that will actually make a difference for your students. Otherwise, you’re just wasting your time. If only there was a way to know how big of an impact all these “great ideas” actually have on student learning. Oh, wait! There is a way.

 Download this FREE guide to “crack the code” to student success.

Liesl McConchie bases her teacher training on a deep understanding of the underlying, research-based principles of really good teaching.

Teachers in her course will learn about them, and they will at the same time experience hands on an extended catalogue of strategies, ready to implement directly into their own classrooms – tightly related to and aiming to achieve those overarching principles.

As a teacher, I have been in Liesl’s teacher training several times and in my current position as a leader of pedagogy, I am working with Liesl to accomplish 3 weeks of training each year for all the teachers at the school as a platform for pedagogical development.

Gitte Glöde, Administrator

It's time to ignite student learning!