7 Powerful tools to motivate secondary math students

Motivation…we’ve all been there before. I’m talking about those moments when teaching math to your middle or high school students feels more like pulling teeth. You push, pull, twist, bend, do a cartwheel, whatever – and they still don’t budge.

Instead of pushing, pulling, bribing and threatening to get students to do things in your math class, you’ll find tremendous success (and relief) by tapping into the brain’s natural motivation systems. It is a game-changing shift in thinking.

What you’ll find in this download are motivation tools that are effective specifically amongst secondary students. Download and discover the 7 powerful tools.

7 Powerful Tools to Motivate Secondary Math Students

The tools you have given me and my colleagues are invaluable! I can see the results immediately in my classes when I use the strategies that you share with us. You teach with passion, humor and an expertise within the field of teaching that I have never experienced before.

Nadia R., Teacher

It's time to teach math
with the brain in mind!