Music to Boost Student Learning

Music is a powerful mood-altering medium. Want to stay pumped up for your workout? Chill out after a stressful day at school? Or find the courage to take that first step toward a dream? Music can help in all of these situations.

But, what about the challenges you face in your classroom? Music can help with many of those, too.

Do you have students who walk into class practically sleep-walking? Have students struggling with anxiety, depression, or trauma at home? Do you work with students who struggle to stay focused on a task? Do you try to keep students active during class, but they move at a pace that even a snail would balk at?

Download this FREE guide to learn how music can help in all these situations.

Liesl McConchie bases her teacher training on a deep understanding of the underlying, research-based principles of really good teaching.

Teachers in her course will learn about them, and they will at the same time experience hands on an extended catalogue of strategies, ready to implement directly into their own classrooms – tightly related to and aiming to achieve those overarching principles.

As a teacher, I have been in Liesl’s teacher training several times and in my current position as a leader of pedagogy, I am working with Liesl to accomplish 3 weeks of training each year for all the teachers at the school as a platform for pedagogical development.

Gitte Glöde, Administrator

It's time to ignite student learning!